S. D. Perry, Author: S.D. Perry lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and two children. She writes horror/sci-fi/fantasy multimedia novelizations and tie-ins for love and money, dabbling in the universes of Star Trek, Aliens, Alien vs. Predator, and Resident Evil, among others.
David Hawcock, Author: David Hawcock has designed and engineered many successful pop-up titles, including Journal of Inventions: Leonardo Da Vinci and The Amazing Pull-Out Pop-Up Body in a Book. After graduating with a degree in graphic design, David worked for design groups in London before turning freelance and specializing in 3-D graphics. He worked with advertising agencies and publishers, including Saatchi and Saatchi and Dorling Kindersley, and he later set up his own company creating ideas-based projects for publishers around the world. David lives in Bath, UK, is married, and has three children.
Becca Zerkin, Author: Becca Zerkin is a paper engineer who works alongside Matthew Reinhart to create amazing pop-up titles such as Star Wars: A Galactic Pop-Up Adventure, Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros, and Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe. A former elementary school teacher, Becca is also a reviewer of children's books for The New York Times Book Review and she serves on the Children’s Book Committee of Bank Street College. She, her husband, Ihsan, and their children, Julian and Zadie, all live happily in New York City.
Sally Elizabeth Jackson, Illustrator: Based in the UK, Sally Elizabeth Jackson has been working as a professional artist since 2010, mainly focusing on mobile and Facebook games. She takes much of her inspiration from horror films, video games, and history. Her style is hugely influenced by artists of the past, such as Henry Fuseli and Gustave Dore.