Kirsten Hall, Author: Kirsten Hall is the author of more than a hundred easy readers for children. Hall’s first trade picture book, The Jacket, was a New York Times Notable Book of 2014. Her next two picture books will pub in April 2017 (The Gold Leaf, Enchanted Lion Books) and May 2018 (The Honeybee, Simon & Schuster). In addition to being an author, Hall operates her own boutique children’s book illustration and literary agency, Catbird Productions. Prior to opening her agency, Hall produced one other cookbook, An Apple a Day: 365 Recipes with Creative Crafts, Fun Facts for Race Point.
Amber Gentry, Author: Amber Gentry is the mother of three awesome kids and has devoted her parenting career to raising compassionate children who embrace and celebrate people from all cultures and backgrounds. Through various Christian churches and ministries, Gentry has been counseling women toward greater holistic health for 15 years. She recently founded Health + Discovery, a practice where she works with busy moms and young career women to help them learn better self care and lifestyle habits. Amber and her family live in New York City.