Good for Animals, the Earth & All

Written By: Jane Goodall Institute, Jane Goodall
“Every day, slowly but surely, we the people are helping to change the world.” For the health of humankind, the environment, and the animals that inhabit it, the Jane Goodall Institute presents this collection of recipes to illustrate the how and why of plant-based eating. #EATMEATLESS features nourishing vegan recipes crafted especially for curious consumers looking to incorporate healthier dietary practices, those interested in environmental sustainability and animal welfare, and for fans of Jane Goodall’s work. These 80 vegan, accessible recipes gives home cooks the tools they need to take charge of their diet and take advantage of their own ability to make a difference in their communities and beyond. Along with colorful food photography, quotes from Dr. Goodall interspersed throughout transform this plant-based staple into an inspiring guide to reclaiming our broken food system: for the environment, for the animals, and for ourselves.

If you’re interested in plant-based diets and/or are passionate about taking action on behalf of the planet we share, this book has the information and inspiration you need to make meaningful mealtime choices. Dr. Jane Goodall, a longtime plant-based activist and a passionate advocate for animals, invites us along with her organization, the Jane Goodall Institute, to commit to a simple promise with the campaign #EatMeatLess.
Format: Hardcover
Publication Date: 3/23/2021
ISBN: 9781681885377
Pages: 168
Trim Size: 7.5 x x 8.75 x .8

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Jane Goodall Institute, Author: The Jane Goodall Institute promotes understanding and protection of great apes and their habitats, and builds on the legacy of Dr. Jane Goodall, their founder, to inspire individual action by people of all ages, working to help animals and other people, and to protect the world we all share.

Jane Goodall, Author: Jane Goodall is an English primatologist who first came to fame in the 1960s for her groundbreaking studies of the chimpanzees of Africa’s Gombe Forest. She has written and spoken to great acclaim about animal behavior, endangered species and habitats, and how people can help. She advocates for ecological preservation through the Jane Goodall Institute.