Growing Consciousness

The Gardener's Guide to Seeding the Soul

Written By: Leo Carver
This book forges an accessible path to self-discovery and truth; one that can apply to a small herb garden on the windowsill just as well as it would to a Buddhist Zen garden. Growing Consciousness will outline simple practices and explorations into the spiritual qualities of gardening and how one can marry spiritual growth and plant-based consumption to cultivate a more conscious and satisfying existence.
Format: Jacketed Hardbound
Publication Date: 2/1/2022
ISBN: 9781647224202
Pages: 208
Trim Size: 6 x 9 x .9

  • About the Author 
  • Press
Leo Carver, Author: Author, Leo Carver (Dwarn L. Carver, Jr.), has been teaching meditation, yoga, ayurveda, natural herbalism, and other holistic wellness techniques for the past decade. He graduated from The Chopra Center (Dr. Deepak Chopra’s Wellness Education Center) with a certification in Ayurveda and works closely with his wife, keynote Chopra Center speaker Dr. Melissa Carver. Leo is one of the coauthors of Your Roadmap to Purpose, Desire, and Destiny with Karson McGinley, Melissa Eisler, Michelle S. Fondin, and Tris Thorp.