Supernatural: The Men of Letters Bestiary

Winchester Family Edition

Written By: Tim Waggoner, Kyle Hotz
An immersive in-world guide to the Supernatural universe, this tome from the Men of Letters’ archive features information on the most deadly ghosts, monsters, and creatures ever encountered.

The Men of Letters was a secret society dedicated to accumulating knowledge of the supernatural and arcane mysteries. Decades after the order was wiped out, Sam and Dean Winchester inherited their hidden bunker, where Sam compiled the records of the supernatural entities discovered by the Men of Letters into one book, along with additions and annotations from the Winchester brothers, themselves, informed by their time as hunters.

From the Knight of Hell Abaddon to banshees and wendigos, this fully illustrated tome will allow fans to explore the creatures of Heaven, Hell, and Earth from the Winchester brothers’ perspective.

Complete with commentary from Sam and Dean, Supernatural: The Men of Letters Bestiary offers a unique and immersive look at the creatures and entities that inhabit the series.
Format: Jacketed Hardbound
Publication Date: 9/12/2017
ISBN: 9781683830269
Pages: 112
Trim Size: 8 x 10 x .7

  • About the Author 
  • Press
Tim Waggoner, Author: Tim Waggoner is an award-winning author who’s published over thirty novels and three short story collections. He teaches creative writing at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio. You can find him on the web at

Kyle Hotz, Illustrator: Kyle Hotz has illustrated various titles for a range of major comic publishers, including Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, and Image. In addition to his work on iconic characters such as The Hulk, Venom, Spiderman, Green Goblin, and Captain America, he is the cocreator and illustrator of the cult favorite series Billy the Kid's Old Timey Oddities. Kyle lives and works in Ohio with his family and four pug dogs.