Ian Flynn, Author: Ian Flynn is a Charlotte-born, Toronto-based freelance writer. He's best known for his fifteen-year run on Sonic the Hedgehog media. He had contributed to numerous properties across comics, television, streaming media, and video games. He co-hosts a Q&A podcast that tackles fans' questions called "The BumbleKast." (www.BumbleKing.com)
Evan Stanley, Illustrator: EVAN STANLEY is a writer and artist tucked into the woods of Washington State. She can usually be found working on the Sonic the Hedgehog series, whether in comics, animations, or behind-the-scenes work. In her free time, she explores the outdoors and enjoys all things strange and spooky.
Gigi Dutreix, Illustrator: Gigi Dutreix is an illustrator based in southern Louisiana. She works on Sonic the Hedgehog, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more as a creative artist. When she’s not working on hedgehogs, she usually spends her time feeding her pet bird the grandest treats.